Brief explanation of the directory structure

(Note: When I refer to "/degrib/", on MS-Windows I typically mean: "c:\ndfd\degrib20\" or "/cygdrive/c/ndfd/degrib20/".)

/degrib/arcviewContains ESRI specific files to assist with map projections, and legends.
/degrib/binContains the main programs (degribtkdegrib, etc).
/degrib/dataIs the default location for GRIB2 data.
It also contains geographic data for the imageGen program.
/degrib/docsContains project documentation, including man pages, and some papers.
/degrib/libContains extra libraries for the GUI tkdegrib
/degrib/outputIs the default output location for tkdegrib.
It also contains the images created by imageGen program.
/degrib/testContains any test scripts and answer data.
/degrib/srcContains all the source code used to create degrib.
/degrib/src/zlibLibrary: Provides gzip compression. (
/degrib/src/libpngLibrary: Provides png compression. (
/degrib/src/jpeg2000Library: Provides jpeg 2000 compression. Based on a subset of the jasper library. (
/degrib/src/grib2libLibrary: Provides the ability to read GRIB2 messages. g2libc-1.6.0
/degrib/src/emapf-cLibrary: Provides Lambert Conformal map projection capability. This is a newer copy than the "official" one. (
/degrib/src/netcdfLibrary: Provides netcdf interface. (
/degrib/src/degribSource code for degribtcldegrib and tkdegrib. (

Brief description of output files

*.txtA '|' delimited ASCII file, containing information ("meta data") about what is in the grids. It is intended to be human readable without requiring previous knowledge of the "WMO GRIB2 Document".
*.is0An ASCII file, containing a dump of the various values in the arrays returned by the grib2_unpacker library. It is intended for debugging purposes.
*.shp, *.shx, *.dbfThe combination is known as a "shape file". The .shp file contains the spatial (Lat/Lon) informtaion, the .shx is an index into the .shp file for faster redraws, and the .dbf contains the actual data.
*.flt, *.tlfThe .flt file contains the grid in an NxM 4 byte (octet) float file, which starts in the upper left corner, traverses a row, then starts again on the left. The .tlf file is similar, except it starts in the lower left. Typically the .tlf file (aka mosaic file) is "Least Significant Byte first".
*.datThe data cube file (.dat) is very similar to the .flt file, except that it contains multiple messages. It is typically used in conjunction with the .ind file to create a flat file database for fast (CGI) access to the uncompressed form of the NDFD. Note: One idea for the future is to use the .dat file in GrADS instead of the .flt file.
*.indThe .ind file is an index file that contains some meta data, but also refers to a set of .flt files, or a single data cube file (.dat). The purpose of the index file is to allow fast (CGI) access to the uncompressed form of the GRIB data. The index file combined with the .flt files or single .dat file forms a simple free flat file database.
*.hdrAn ASCII file, used by ESRI Spatial Analyst to assist it with using the .flt file. Contains information such as the number of points in the X and Y directions, what the missing value is, and whether the data is stored "Most Significant Byte first" or "Least Significant Byte first".
*.ctlAn ASCII file, used by GrADS to assist it with using the .flt file. Contains information such as the map projection, the number of points in the X and Y directions, what the missing value is, and whether the data is stored "Big Endian" or "Little Endian".
*.csvAn ASCII file consisting of "X, Y, lat, lon, value" for each grid cell in the grid.
*.ncThe grid stored as a "NetCDF" file. See the "NetCDF Specifications" for more information.
*.grbThe grid or a subgrid stored as a GRIB2 file.
*.aveAn ASCII file containing an ESRI ArcView avenue script, which sets up a map projection to match the shape of earth and map projection specified in the GRIB2 message.