Step 1: Get the program.

Please download the program.

Step 2: Expand the downloaded file.


You can download either the ".exe" file or the ".tar.gz" files.  I would recommend the "degrib-install.exe" program as it has a decent installer.

  • If you downloaded a ".exe" file, you can run it by double clicking on it, and then following the dialog boxes.
  • If you downloaded the ".tar.gz" file, you will need to un-tar it.  The simplest method is to use Winzip (

    However if you downloaded the ".tar.gz" file, and are planning on compiling the source code, then I would recommend using a combination of cygwin ( and mingw (  Cygwin emulates a UNIX system on top of MS-Windows, and provides Gnu C, and FORTRAN compilers as well as the ability to un-tar files.  The catch is that executables created using cygwin "typically" are dependent on the "cygwin1.dll" file.  There are ways around that, but the safest way is to use mingw which only uses MS-Windows libraries.

    An alternative solution is to use msys ( msys which is based on programs compiled using mingw.  The catch here is that cygwin has a lot more features than msys.

UNIX / Linux

  1. ~taylor> cp /download/degrib-unix.tar.gz .
  2. ~taylor> gunzip -c degrib-unix.tar.gz | tar -xf -
  3. ~taylor> ls -F
    degrib/     degrib-unix.tar.gz

Step 3: Make the executable.


You can skip this step, however if you want to compile the code, see Compiling in Windows. The reason you can skip this step is that all of the MS-Windows packages come with the following programs in "degrib/bin":

  1. degrib.exe (Command line program.)
  2. tkdegrib.exe (GUI program.)

UNIX / Linux

See Compiling in UNIX.  You need to create:

  1. ./degrib/bin/degrib (Command line program.)
  2. ./degrib/bin/tkdegrib (GUI Program. (optional))

Step 4: Testing.

If you are interested in a test suite, some tests and instructions for performing them are available here: Test Suites

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