Latest LAMP News!  

MDL is planning to upgrade the LAMP/GLMP systems to v2.6 in August 2024.  For more information, please refer to PNS 24-11.

Gridded LAMP (GLMP) is a program which provides gridded analyses of observations and operational LAMP forecasts for aviation forecasting. The output grid aligns with the CONUS NDFD grid (#227) at 2.5km. The jobs run hourly in the NWS job stream. Gridded forecast guidance and gridded observations are currently available for the following elements:

  • 2-meter temperature observations and the associated error estimations
  • 2-meter dewpoint temperature observations and the associated error estimations
  • Ceiling height observations
  • Visibility observations
  • 2-meter temperature forecast guidance
  • 2-meter dewpoint temperature forecast guidance
  • Ceiling height forecast guidance
  • Visibility forecast guidance
  • Opaque sky cover observations
  • 10-meter wind speed observations
  • 10-meter wind direction observations
  • Opaque sky cover forecast guidance
  • 10-meter wind speed forecast guidance
  • 10-meter wind direction forecast guidance


Download Gridded LAMP GRIB2 Data below (Information on Gridded LAMP GRIB2 Data)

This data applies to the CONUS Region and is of the GRIB format.