Latest LAMP News!  

MDL is planning to upgrade the LAMP/GLMP systems to v2.6 in August 2024.  For more information, please refer to PNS 24-11.

The Localized Aviation MOS Program (LAMP) is a statistical system which provides forecast guidance for sensible weather elements. LAMP updates MOS on an hourly basis, is run on NOAA/NWS/NCEP Weather and Climate Operational Supercomputer Systems (WCOSS) computers and disseminated centrally from NCEP, and provides guidance for over 1600 stations as well as gridded observation and forecast guidance on the NDFD CONUS 2.5-km grid out to 25 hours.  

LAMP provides station guidance for the following weather elements:  

  • 2-meter temperature
  • 2-meter dewpoint
  • 10-m Wind speed, direction, and gusts
  • Probability of precipitation (on hr)
  • Probability of measurable precipitation (6- and 12-h)
  • Precipitation type
  • Precipitation characteristics
  • Lightning
  • Convection
  • Ceiling height
  • Conditional ceiling height
  • Opaque sky cover
  • Visibility
  • Conditional visibility
  • Obstruction to vision

LAMP station-based products can be found at the LAMP Station-based Products web page.


Gridded LAMP provides gridded analyses of observations and operational LAMP forecasts for aviation forecasting. The output grid aligns with the CONUS NDFD grid (#227) at 2.5km. The jobs run hourly in the NWS job stream. Gridded forecast guidance and gridded observations are currently available for the following elements:

  • Convection forecast guidance
  • Lightning forecast guidance
  • 2-meter temperature observations and the associated error estimations
  • 2-meter dewpoint temperature observations and the associated error estimations
  • Ceiling height observations
  • Visibility observations
  • 2-meter temperature forecast guidance
  • 2-meter dewpoint temperature forecast guidance
  • Ceiling height forecast guidance
  • Visibility forecast guidance
  • Opaque sky cover observations
  • 10-meter wind speed observations
  • 10-meter wind direction observations
  • Opaque sky cover forecast guidance
  • 10-meter wind speed forecast guidance
  • 10-meter wind direction forecast guidance

Gridded LAMP products can be found at the Gridded LAMP page.

The LAMP data (in ascii, BUFR, and GRIB2) are supported operationally 24x7, however, the web products are not supported operationally and are subject to occasional outages.

Users interested in receiving notices about product availability and upcoming changes should Contact LAMP to be added to a mailing list.

If you notice any problems or have any question about LAMP, please Email Us at the Contact LAMP link in this LAMP Page.


For further information about LAMP or to join our Mailing List, please contact [email protected].