About the Archived Data

Archived MOS data are available in a UNIX compressed format in monthly files for all stations for which the guidance is produced. We have archives of these products back through at least June 2000. 

Please be advised that some of these files are extremely large (up to 50 megabytes), and may take considerable time to download depending on time of day, size of the particular archive, and the type of connection you have. We have tried to break some of the products down by cycle to decrease the size of the larger archives. Unfortunately, we can not provide subsets (specific stations or dates) of these large files due to a lack of resources. These archives are provided as a courtesy, and may not be available 24 hours a day. 

To download the files, follow the listed link, then RIGHT CLICK on the product, year, month, and cycle (if available) desired. Choose the option to save the file locally to your machine. If you run a Unix/Linux operating system, simply uncompress the files by typing 'uncompress <filename>'. If you are running a Windows or MAC Operating system, there are many free shareware programs that are available to uncompress Unix compressed files. Examples of such software can be found at the NCBI FTP Site (uncompress .Z files)

Archive Locations


Active Products

Product  Abbreviation Information Page Archive URL
GFS Short-range MOS Guidance GFSMAV MAV Card https://sats.nws.noaa.gov/~mos/archives/mav.html
GFS Extended-range MOS Guidance GFSMEX MEX Card https://sats.nws.noaa.gov/~mos/archives/mex.html
GFS Canadian Max/Min Temperature MOS Guidance  GFSFCN MAV Card / MEX Card https://sats.nws.noaa.gov/~mos/archives/fcn.html
GFS Marine MOS Guidance GFSMMG Marine MOS Card https://sats.nws.noaa.gov/~mos/archives/mmg.html
GFS River Forecast Center MOS Guidance GFSRFC SHEF Format Info https://sats.nws.noaa.gov/~mos/archives/rfc.html
NAM MOS Guidance (Switched from Eta to NMM December 9, 2008) NAMMET MET Card https://sats.nws.noaa.gov/~mos/archives/met.html

Discontinued Products

Product Abbreviation Last Date Information Page Archive URL
GFS Ensemble Forecast MOS Guidance GFSENS 00z, April 16, 2019 GFSMOS Ensemble Card https://sats.nws.noaa.gov/~mos/archives/ens.html
NGMFWC MOS  NGMFWC 00z, March 3rd, 2009   https://sats.nws.noaa.gov/~mos/archives/fwc.html
MRF MOS MRFFOX 00z, April 08, 2003   https://sats.nws.noaa.gov/~mos/archives/fox.html
AVN MOS AVNFEX 12z, April 1, 2002   https://sats.nws.noaa.gov/~mos/archives/fex.html

Special Products

Product  Abbreviation Archive URL
GFS MOS Snowfall forecasts for Tyler McCandless SNOW https://sats.nws.noaa.gov/~mos/archives/snow.html