About NBM v4.1 Text Bulletins

The NBM text bulletins take data from the gridded NBM forecasts and generate data for weather stations from the closest usable grid point. Bulletins are available for over 9,000 land and marine stations in the CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, and Oceanic-domains. Not all elements may be available for all stations. All regions (including both land and marine stations) are included in the same product.

There are five NBM text bulletins, which cover different time scales and different elements. The products are as follows:

(*Actual forecast hours change according to cycle. Listed times are for 00Z and 12Z cycles.):

Product Name Product Type Time step Forecast Hours covered
NBH Hourly 1-Hourly Hours 1-25
NBS Short 3-Hourly Hours 6-72*
NBE Extended 12-Hourly Hours 24-192*
NBX Super-Extended 12-Hourly Hours 204-264* (continuation of NBE)
NBP Probabilistic (Extended period) 12-Hourly Hours 24-228*

Example bulletins for each of the types (NBH,NBS,NBE,NBX,NBP) are listed below. At the bottom of the page, additional stations from different locations are displayed to show expected data at different regions (and at land vs. marine stations).

The bulletins consist of the following:

  • The first line always consists of: the station call(short name), bulletin name, forecast date, and forecast cycle.
  • The following 2-3 lines show the forecast valid date/time and/or model forecast hour. All forecast dates and times are listed in UTC time.
  • The lines following the date/time consist of various weather elements. These elements vary by bulletin type, region, and sometimes cycle. 
  • Large values: any value which would be printed as >998 will be printed as 998 (except MSLP: see element description below for details)
  • Large negative values:  Any element with a displayed value < -98 will be displayed as -98.

Missing Data:

For all Elements, a value of -99 indicates missing data. If data are missing for all forecast hours, the line for that element will not be printed. 

Changes from NBM v4.0 Text Bulletins

Users should take note of the following changes from the NBM v4.0 products:

  • Wind speed and gust techniques have changed slightly for stations in the CONUS area
  • Techniques have been updated for the following NBM elements: Wind speed and gust (WSP, GST), sky cover (SKY), probabilities of precipitation types (PZR, PSN, PPL, PRA), snow amounts (S01, S06, S12, S24), ice amounts (I01, I06, I12), snow level (SLV), 13Z extended-hours mean 24-hour QPF (Q24) (NBX only)  
  • 24-hour probability of precipitation (P24) has been added for 13Z cycle NBX
  •  Many weather elements are now available in additional regions 
  • Station IDs and locations have been updated (see NBM v4.1 station table: https://vlab.noaa.gov/web/mdl/nbm-stations-v4.1 )
  • NBE climatology (CLIMO) data has been updated 


NBH Example Bulletin (CONUS, land station)

  KBWI   NBM V4.1 NBH GUIDANCE    5/01/2022  1300 UTC
 UTC  14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
 TMP  60 62 63 64 65 66 65 64 64 63 61 60 59 59 58 58 58 58 57 57 57 58 60 63 66
 TSD   3  3  3  3  4  4  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
 DPT  47 48 48 48 48 48 49 50 50 51 52 52 53 54 54 55 55 55 55 55 56 56 56 56 56
 DSD   2  2  3  3  4  4  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
 SKY  74 73 90 92 94 87 77 77 83 89 87 93 90 91 92 93 97 91 85 87 90 88 78 66 57
 SSD  26 33 14  9  7 13 23 26 14  8 17  8 10  7  8  7  5 11 23 14  9 16 26 35 31
 WDR  15 15 16 15 15 14 14 13 13 14 12 13 13 12 13 12 11 15 20 23 27 26 28 28 29
 WSP   5  6  7  8  9  9  9  9  9  7  6  6  6  5  4  3  3  4  3  3  3  3  4  5  6
 WSD   1  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  2  2  2
 GST   7  9 10 11 12 13 14 14 13 11 10 10  9  8  7  5  5  5  5  4  4  5  6  7  9
 GSD   2  3  3  3  3  4  4  5  3  3  3  3  3  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  3  2  2
 P01   0 10  7  4 13 10  9 29 13 25 30 10 11 21 15  7 18  9  9 12  2  0  0  0  0
 P06                                41                75                22
 Q01   0  1  1  0  1  1  0  2  1  3  5  0  0  2  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
 T01   1  1  1  2  2  2  3  4  4  5  5  5  6  6  7  5  5  3  2  2  1  0  0  0  0
 PZR   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
 PSN   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
 PPL   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
 PRA  10 27 27 13 25 25 39 43 49 68 47 26 41 38 20 40 44 29 27 13 30  1 26 25  0
 S01   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
 SLV  98 99100100100100100100100100100100 99100 97 96 95 93 89 87 81 76 70 69 68
 I01   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
 CIG 100100 70 60 60 60 60 45 45 60 45 27  9  6  6  5  5  5  4  4  4  4  5  6 27
 MVC   2  2  2  4  7  8  9 12 15 16 19 33 47 62 63 77 74 76 76 74 70 65 59 47 34
 IFC   0  0  0  0  0  1  3  5  5  6  8 19 32 43 44 48 45 47 49 48 48 46 41 33 19
 LIC   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  1  1  2  5  7 11 13 13 14 16 18 17 19 20 19 14  7
 LCB  80 70 34 42 40 60 60 45 45 60 45 27  9  6  6  5  5  5  4  4  4  4  5  6 27
 VIS 100100100100100100100 70 70100100 80 50 40 40 40 50 50 50 60 50 50 60 90100
 MVV   0  0  0  0  0  1  1 22 15  8  8 11 19 25 25 24 21 24 24 23 28 31 27 17  8
 IFV   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  9  7  3  3  3  5  8  8  7  7  9  9  9 12 15 13  7  3
 LIV   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  2  1  0  0  0  0  0  2  1  2  3  3  3  5  7  4  2  0
 MHT  20 27 32 30 31 20 19 14 12  9 10 11 11 10  9 10  4  4  3  5  4  9  4  8 11
 TWD  17 17 17 17 16 16 15 15 14 14 13 13 14 14 15 16 14 18 21 27 29 30 30 30 30
 TWS   8 10 11 11 12 13 12 12 11  9  8  7  8  7  8  7  5  5  5  5  5  5  8  8 10
 HID                                 2                 2                 4
 SOL  42 50 38 38 46 38 13 21 17  8  3  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  3 15 38 61

Data Key

Date/time lines

  • UTC = forcast valid hour (in UTC) (date as in line 1, unless past 23Z - then the following date is valid)


  • TMP = temperature, degrees F
  • TSD = standard deviation of temperature, degrees F
  • DPT = dew point temperature, degrees F
  • DSD = dew point temperature standard deviation, degrees F
  • SKY = sky cover, percent
  • SSD = sky cover standard deviation, percent
  • WDR = wind direction, nearest tens degrees (northerly=36; easterly=9; calm=00)
    • oceanic-only stations only have WDR for cycles=0,7,12,19
  • WSP = wind speed, knots (note: processes are slightly different between CONUS and other regions)
  • WSD = wind speed standard deviation, knots
  • GST = wind gust, knots (note: processes are slightly different between CONUS and other regions)
  • GSD = wind gust standard deviation, knots 
  • P01 = 1-hour PoP, percent
  • P06 = 6-hour PoP, percent
  • Q01 = 1-hour QPF, 1/100 inches
  • T01 = 1-hour thunderstorm probability, percent
  • PZR = conditional probability of freezing rain, percent
  • PSN = conditional probability of snow, percent
  • PPL = conditional probability of sleet / ice pellets, percent
  • PRA = conditional probability of rain, percent
  • S01 = 1-hour snow amount, 1/10 inches
  • SLV = snow level, 100s feet MSL
  • I01 = 1-hour ice amount, 1/100 inches
  • CIG = ceiling height, 100s feet  (>5000 ft reported to the nearest 1000 ft; -88=unlimited)
  • MVC = probability of ceiling MVFR flight conditions (ceiling <= 3000 ft), percent
  • IFC = probability of ceiling IFR flight conditions (ceiling < 1000 ft), percent
  • LIC = probability of ceiling LIFR flight conditions (ceiling < 500 ft), percent
  • LCB = lowest cloud base, 100s feet (>5000 ft reported to the nearest 1000 ft; -88=unlimited)
  • VIS = visibility, 1/10th miles (rounded to nearest mile for values >= 1 mile) [Note: values before approx. 2019-06-01 are in full miles]
  • MVV = probability of visibility MVFR flight conditions (visibility <= 5 miles), percent
  • IFV = probability of visibility IFR flight conditions (visibility < 3 miles), percent
  • LIV = probability of visibility LIFR flight conditions (visibility < 1 mile), percent
  • MHT = mixing height, 100s feet AGL
  • TWD = transport wind direction, nearest tens degrees (northerly=36; easterly=9; calm=00)
  • TWS = transport wind speed, knots (<0.5 knots will be listed as 0 (calm))
  • HID = Haines Index (unitless)
  • SOL = instantaneous solar radiation, 10s W/m2 (ex: 8=80 W/m2; non-zero values < 10 = 1) 

(For additional information about NBM weather elements, see the Element Key)

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NBS Example Bulletin (CONUS, land station)

 KBWI    NBM V4.1 NBS GUIDANCE    5/01/2022  1300 UTC
 DT /MAY   1/MAY   2                /MAY   3                /MAY   4
 UTC  18 21 00 03 06 09 12 15 18 21 00 03 06 09 12 15 18 21 00 03 06 09 12
 FHR  05 08 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 44 47 50 53 56 59 62 65 68 71
 TXN                    56          76          53          74          55
 XND                     2           2           1           3           2
 TMP  65 64 61 59 58 57 60 70 74 75 69 62 57 54 57 65 70 72 65 59 56 56 59
 TSD   4  3  3  3  2  2  2  3  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  3  4  3  2  3  3  3  3
 DPT  48 50 52 54 55 55 56 54 50 49 49 50 49 48 50 51 51 52 51 51 52 54 56
 DSD   4  3  3  3  2  2  2  3  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  3  3  3  3
 SKY  94 77 87 91 97 87 78 37 26 37 18 29 26 33 80 64 75 70 75 87 92 87 82
 SSD   7 26 17  7  5 14 26 37 23 30 26 22 28 26 23 20 16 20 19  9  6  9 15
 WDR  15 13 12 12 11 23 28 29 28 29 33 36  1  3  7 10 12 13 12 13 13 13 13
 WSP   9  9  6  5  3  3  4  7 10  8  5  4  3  3  4  6  8  9  8 10  8  7  8
 WSD   2  2  2  1  1  1  2  2  2  2  2  1  1  1  2  2  2  2  2  1  1  1  1
 GST  12 14 10  8  5  4  6 10 15 12  8  6  5  5  6  8 10 12 11 15 11 10 12
 GSD   3  5  3  2  2  2  3  3  2  2  3  3  2  2  3  3  3  3  4  2  3  3  2
 P06        41    75    22     1     0     0     0     0    11    48    46
 P12                    80           1           1          10          70
 Q06        11     4     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     8     3
 Q12                     4           0           0           0          11
 DUR                     1           0           0           0           3
 T03   4  6 14 20 14  4  2  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  2  4  6  7  8
 T06        15    21     4     1     1     1     0     0     2     9     9
 T12                    26           2           1           2          18
 PZR   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
 PSN   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
 PPL   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
 PRA  25 43 47 38 44 13 26  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  1  8 14 46 41 59 35
 S06         0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
 SLV 100100100100 95 87 70 66 69 74 74 75 69 72 76 83 88 95100100110110100
 I06         0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
 CIG  60 45 45  6  5  4  5-88-88-88-88-88-88-88-88-88-88 90 90 34  6  3  3
 IFC   0  5  8 43 45 48 41  3  1  0  0  0  0  6 11  6  3  0  1 17 46 56 66
 LCB  40 45 45  6  5  4  5130110100220  3  5 70 90 80130 90 80 34  6  3  3
 VIS 100 70100 40 50 60 60100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100 30
 IFV   0  9  3  8  7  9 13  0  0  0  0  0  1  4  7  2  0  0  3  2  5  9 18
 MHT  31 14 10 10  4  5  4 44 60 62  3 11  7  6 10 26 32 21 13 21 13 13 13
 TWD  16 15 13 14 14 27 30 28 28 27 33  2  2  3  8 12 15 14 13 15 15 15 16
 TWS  12 12  8  7  5  5  8 13 16 14  7  7  7  6  6  6  9 11 11 11  9  8  8
 HID         2     2     4     4     4     4     4     4     4     3     2
 SOL  46 21  3  0  0  0 15 74 74 51 13  0  0  0 16 46 82 66 37  0  0  0  1

Data Key

Date/time lines

  • DT (or blank) = forcast valid date (in UTC)
  • UTC = forcast valid hour (in UTC)
  • FHR = model forecast hour (number of hours forward from forecast date/cycle)


  • TXN = 18-hour maximum and minimum temperatures, degrees F.
    • Min is between 00Z-18Z and reported at 12Z (except Guam)
    • Max is between 12z(current day)-06Z(next day) and reported at 00z(following day) (except Guam)
    • Guam stations report Tmax at 12z and Tmin at 00z.
  • XND = standard deviation of maximum or minimum temperature, degrees F 
  • TMP = temperature, degrees F
  • TSD = standard deviation of temperature, degrees F
  • DPT = dew point temperature, degrees F
  • DSD = dew point temperature standard deviation, degrees F
  • SKY = sky cover, percent
  • SSD = sky cover standard deviation, percent
  • WDR = wind direction, nearest tens degrees (northerly=36; easterly=9; calm=00)
    • oceanic-only stations only have WDR for cycles=0,7,12,19
  • WSP = wind speed, knots (<0.5 knots will be listed as 0 (calm))
  • WSD = wind speed standard deviation, knots
  • GST = wind gust, knots
  • GSD = wind gust standard deviation, knots 
  • P06 = 6-hour PoP, percent
  • P12 = 12-hour PoP, percent
  • Q06 = 6-hour QPF, 1/100 inches 
  • Q12 = 12-hour QPF, 1/100 inches 
  • DUR = Duration of precipitation, hours
  • T03 = 3-hour thunderstorm probability, percent
  • T06 = 6-hour thunderstorm probability, percent
  • T12 = 12-hour thunderstorm probability, percent
  • PZR = conditional probability of freezing rain, percent
  • PSN = conditional probability of snow, percent
  • PPL = conditional probability of sleet / ice pellets, percent
  • PRA = conditional probability of rain, percent
  • S06 = 6-hour snow amount, 1/10 inches
  • SLV = snow level, 100s feet MSL (rounded to nearest 1000 ft for values > 10,000 ft)
  • I06 = 6-hour ice amount, 1/100 inches
  • CIG = ceiling height, 100s feet (>5000 ft reported to the nearest 1000 ft; -88=unlimited)
  • IFC = probability of ceiling IFR flight conditions (ceiling < 1000 ft), percent
  • LCB = lowest cloud base, 100s feet (>5000 ft reported to the nearest 1000 ft; -88=unlimited)
  • VIS = visibility, 1/10th miles up to 10 miles (rounded to nearest mile for values >= 1 mile; VIS > 10 miles = 100) 
  • IFV = probability of visibility IFR flight conditions (visibility < 3 miles), percent
  • MHT = mixing height, 100s feet AGL
  • TWD = transport wind direction, nearest tens degrees (northerly=36; easterly=9; calm=00)
  • TWS = transport wind speed, knots (<0.5 knots will be listed as 0 (calm))
  • HID = Haines Index (unitless)
  • SOL = instantaneous solar radiation, 10s W/m(ex: 8=80 W/m2; non-zero values < 10 = 1) 
  • SWH = significant wave height, feet (marine and some near-water stations only)

(For additional information about NBM weather elements, see the Element Key)

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NBE Example Bulletin (CONUS, land station)

 KBWI    NBM V4.1 NBE GUIDANCE    5/01/2022  1300 UTC
   MON 02 |TUE 03 |WED 04 |THU 05 |FRI 06 |SAT 07 |SUN 08 |MON 09  CLIMO
 UTC    12| 00  12| 00  12| 00  12| 00  12| 00  12| 00  12| 00  12
 FHR    23| 35  47| 59  71| 83  95|107 119|131 143|155 167|179 191
 TXN    56| 76  53| 74  55| 74  56| 73  53| 70  54| 63  47| 64  47  50 72
 XND     2|  2   1|  3   2|  5   1|  1   2|  2   1|  3   3|  7   4
 TMP    60| 69  57| 65  59| 67  58| 65  57| 61  56| 57  51| 58  51
 TSD     2|  2   2|  2   3|  3   3|  3   4|  2   2|  3   3|  5   5
 DPT    56| 49  50| 51  56| 57  51| 50  49| 52  51| 46  43| 41  43
 DSD     2|  2   2|  2   3|  3   3|  3   4|  2   2|  3   2|  4   4
 SKY    78| 18  80| 75  82| 50  61| 53  75| 83  75| 58  47| 46  42
 SSD    26| 26  23| 19  15| 17  25| 26  12| 12  15| 24  23| 25  23
 WDR    28| 33   7| 12  13| 35   1| 12   7| 10   3|  4   2|  4   2
 WSP     4|  5   4|  8   8|  8  10|  8   8| 10  15| 14  13| 12  10
 WSD     2|  2   2|  2   1|  3   1|  2   1|  2   3|  3   3|  4   3
 GST     6|  8   6| 11  12| 12  15| 11  12| 15  22| 20  19| 18  16
 GSD     3|  3   3|  4   2|  3   3|  4   3|  5   3|  6   5|  9   6
 P12    80|  1   1| 10  70| 65  21| 11  39| 65  70| 58  36| 27  23  26 26
 Q12     4|  0   0|  0  11| 14   1|  0  19| 45  43| 16   6|  0   1
 Q24      |      0|     11|     15|     19|     88|     22|      1  96
 DUR     1|  0   0|  0   3|  4   1|  1   4|  6   6|  4   3|  1   2
 T12    26|  2   1|  2  18| 32  16|  7   7| 23  21| 19  13| 14  10
 PZR     0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   0
 PSN     0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   0
 PPL     0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   0
 PRA    26|  0   0| 14  35| 64   1| 25  59| 78  58| 52  24| 20  20
 S12     0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   0
 SLV    70| 74  76|100 100| 99  82| 86  86| 90  79| 71  60| 72  72
 I12     0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   0|  0   0
 S24      |      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0
 SOL     9| 57  16| 58   1| 10   1| 24   1| 24   1| 18   4| 63   2

Data Key

Date/time lines

  • (second line) = forcast valid dates (in UTC)
  • UTC = forcast valid hour (in UTC)
  • FHR = model forecast hour (number of hours forward from forecast date/cycle)


  • TXN = 18-hour maximum and minimum temperatures, degrees F.
    • Min is between 00Z-18Z and reported at 12Z (except Guam)
    • Max is between 12z(current day)-06Z(next day) and reported at 00z(following day) (except Guam)
    • Guam stations report Tmax at 12z and Tmin at 00z.
  • XND = standard deviation of maximum or minimum temperature, degrees F 
  • TMP = temperature, degrees F
  • TSD = standard deviation of temperature, degrees F
  • DPT = dew point temperature, degrees F
  • DSD = dew point temperature standard deviation, degrees F
  • SKY = sky cover, percent
  • SSD = sky cover standard deviation, percent
  • WDR = wind direction, nearest tens degrees (northerly=36; easterly=9; calm=00)
    • oceanic-only stations only have WDR for cycles=0,7,12,19
  • WSP = wind speed, knots (<0.5 knots will be listed as 0 (calm))
  • WSD = wind speed standard deviation, knots
  • GST = wind gust, knots
  • GSD = wind gust standard deviation, knots 
  • P12 = 12-hour PoP, percent
  • Q12 = 12-hour QPF, 1/100 inches
  • Q24 = 24-hour QPF, 1/100 inches
  • DUR = Duration of precipitation, hours (CONUS only) 
  • T12 = 12-hour thunderstorm probability, percent
  • PZR = conditional probability of freezing rain, percent
  • PSN = conditional probability of snow, percent
  • PPL = conditional probability of sleet / ice pellets, percent
  • PRA = conditional probability of rain, percent
  • S12 = 12-hour snow amount, 1/10 inches
  • SLV = snow level, 100s feet MSL
  • I12 = 12-hour ice amount, 1/100 inches
  • S24 = 24-hour snow amount, 1/10 inches
  • SOL = 12-hour mean++ solar radiation, 10s W/m2 (++for hours in period with sunlight present)
  • SWH = significant wave height, feet (marine and some near-water stations only)

(For additional information about NBM weather elements, see the Element Key)


NBM v4.0 had: Climatology data for select stations are displayed under the CLIMO column. These include: daily maximum and minimum temperatures (TXN), 12-hour PoP from 00z-12z and 12z-00z (P12), and estimated weekly total QPF (Q24). The temperature values shown are for Day 4 (middle date). 

  • PoP12 and QPF are derived from 
  • For temperatures, the climatological daily maximum and minimum were calculated from PRISM climatological monthly maximum and minimum temperatures for 1991-2020 (CONUS) and 1981-2010 (Alaska). 

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NBX Example Bulletin (CONUS, land station)

 KBWI    NBM V4.1 NBX GUIDANCE    5/01/2022  1300 UTC
      TUE 10| WED 11| THU 12| FRI 13| SAT 14| SUN 15| MON 16|TUE 17
 UTC 00  12 |00  12 |00  12 |00  12 |00  12 |00  12 |00  12 |00
 FHR 203 215|227 239|251 263|275 287|299 311|323 335|347 359|371
 TXN  69  50| 76  57| 78  59|       |       |       |       |
 XND   7   4|  3   2|  4   2|       |       |       |       |
 TMP  61  56| 66  62| 70  63|       |       |       |       |
 TSD   4   5|  4   3|  3   2|       |       |       |       |
 DPT  44  45| 50  55| 55  56|       |       |       |       |
 DSD   4   5|  4   3|  3   2|       |       |       |       |
 SKY  38  27| 43  48| 52  53|       |       |       |       |
 SSD  30  18| 22  19| 11  14|       |       |       |       |
 WDR   9   5| 11   7| 32  36|       |       |       |       |
 WSP  10   9| 11   8| 10  10|       |       |       |       |
 WSD   1   2|  2   1|  1   1|       |       |       |       |
 GST  15  14| 16  12| 15  15|       |       |       |       |
 GSD   4   4|  4   1|  3   3|       |       |       |       |
 P12  22  17| 14  18| 17  20|       |       |       |       |
 P24      24|     25|     28|     31|     30|     29|     31|
 Q12   0   0|  0   2|  0   0|       |       |       |       |
 Q24       0|      2|      0|     12|     11|     11|     12|
 DUR   1   0|  0   3|  0   1|       |       |       |       |
 PZR   0   0|  0   0|  0   0|       |       |       |       |
 PSN   0   0|  0   0|  0   0|       |       |       |       |
 PPL   0   0|  0   0|  0   0|       |       |       |       |
 PRA   8  13| 14   7| 16  10|       |       |       |       |
 S12   0   0|  0   0|  0   0|       |       |       |       |
 SLV  84  85| 94  92| 96  93|       |       |       |       |
 I12   0   0|  0   0|  0   0|       |       |       |       |
 S24       0|      0|      0|       |       |       |       |
 SOL  50   4| 34   1|  8   1|       |       |       |       |

Data Key

Date/time lines

  • (second line) = forcast valid dates (in UTC)
  • UTC = forcast valid hour (in UTC)
  • FHR = model forecast hour (number of hours forward from forecast date/cycle)


  • TXN = 18-hour maximum and minimum temperatures, degrees F.
    • Min is between 00Z-18Z and reported at 12Z (except Guam)
    • Max is between 12z(current day)-06Z(next day) and reported at 00z(following day) (except Guam)
    • Guam stations report Tmax at 12z and Tmin at 00z.
  • XND = standard deviation of maximum or minimum temperature, degrees F 
  • TMP = temperature, degrees F
  • TSD = standard deviation of temperature, degrees F
  • DPT = dew point temperature, degrees F
  • DSD = dew point temperature standard deviation, degrees F
  • SKY = sky cover, percent
  • SSD = sky cover standard deviation, percent
  • WDR = wind direction, nearest tens degrees (northerly=36; easterly=9; calm=00)
    • oceanic-only stations only have WDR for cycles=0,7,12,19
  • WSP = wind speed, knots (<0.5 knots will be listed as 0 (calm))
  • WSD = wind speed standard deviation, knots
  • GST = wind gust, knots
  • GSD = wind gust standard deviation, knots 
  • P12 = 12-hour PoP, percent
  • P24 * = 24-hour PoP, percent (13Z only) 
    • For 13Z only: extended P24 displayed for hours ~264-370
  • Q12 = 12-hour QPF, 1/100 inches
  • Q24 = 24-hour QPF, 1/100 inches
    • For 13Z only: extended QPF from QMD Mean 24-hour QPF displayed for hours ~264-370
  • DUR = Duration of precipitation, hours (CONUS only for NBX)
  • PZR = conditional probability of freezing rain, percent
  • PSN = conditional probability of snow, percent
  • PPL = conditional probability of sleet / ice pellets, percent
  • PRA = conditional probability of rain, percent
  • S12 = 12-hour snow amount, 1/10 inches
  • SLV = snow level, 100s feet MSL
  • I12 = 12-hour ice amount, 1/100 inches
  • S24 = 24-hour snow amount, 1/10 inches
  • SOL = 12-hour mean++ solar radiation, 10s W/m2 (++for hours in period with sunlight present) 
  • SWH = significant wave height, feet (marine and some near-water stations only)
    • SWH is only available in NBX for the following cycles: 0,1,2,6,7,8,12,13,14,18,19,20

(For additional information about NBM weather elements, see the Element Key)

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Note on NBP Data Availability

Data for all elements in NBP is not available for all cycles. All elements are available for 01z, 07z, 13z and 19z.  Some data is available for 00z and 12z. All other cycles data is limited. See entries below for more details.

NBP Example Bulletin (CONUS, land station)

 KBWI    NBM V4.1 NBP GUIDANCE    5/01/2022  1300 UTC
   MON  02| TUE 03| WED 04| THU 05| FRI 06| SAT 07| SUN 08| MON 09| TUE 10|
 UTC    12| 00  12| 00  12| 00  12| 00  12| 00  12| 00  12| 00  12| 00  12| 00
 FHR    23| 35  47| 59  71| 83  95|107 119|131 143|155 167|179 191|203 215|227
 TXNMN  55| 77  52| 75  55| 79  55| 74  54| 70  52| 65  48| 67  49| 71  53| 77
 TXNSD   2|  3   2|  5   4|  6   3|  5   4|  6   4|  7   5|  6   5|  7   5|  7
 TXNP1  53| 74  50| 69  50| 71  51| 69  49| 61  46| 55  42| 59  41| 63  46| 68
 TXNP2  54| 76  51| 73  52| 74  53| 71  51| 66  48| 59  44| 62  45| 66  48| 72
 TXNP5  55| 77  52| 76  55| 80  55| 74  54| 71  51| 65  47| 67  48| 70  52| 76
 TXNP7  56| 79  54| 78  58| 84  56| 77  56| 74  54| 70  51| 71  53| 75  56| 81
 TXNP9  58| 81  55| 80  61| 86  58| 80  59| 78  58| 74  54| 75  56| 80  60| 87
 WSPP1   0|  2   2|  6   4|  2   6|  2   4|  4   6|  4   4|  2   4|  4   2|  4
 WSPP2   2|  2   4|  8   6|  4   6|  4   6|  6   8|  6   8|  4   4|  4   4|  4
 WSPP5   2|  4   4|  8   6|  6   8|  4   6|  8  10| 10  10|  8   6|  6   6|  6
 WSPP7   4|  4   6|  8   8|  8  10|  6   8| 10  14| 14  12| 10  10|  8   8| 10
 WSPP9   6|  6   6| 10   8| 10  12| 10  10| 12  16| 14  14| 14  12| 10  10| 10
 W24P1    |  7    |  9    |  8    |  8    |  8    | 10    |  8    |  6    |  6
 W24P2    |  8    | 11    | 10    |  9    | 10    | 13    | 10    |  8    |  7
 W24P5    | 10    | 13    | 12    | 10    | 13    | 15    | 12    | 11    | 10
 W24P7    | 12    | 14    | 14    | 13    | 16    | 18    | 17    | 14    | 12
 W24P9    | 13    | 16    | 16    | 14    | 18    | 23    | 20    | 16    | 16
 G24P1    | 12    | 16    | 15    | 14    | 14    | 17    | 13    | 11    | 11
 G24P2    | 14    | 19    | 18    | 16    | 17    | 22    | 17    | 14    | 13
 G24P5    | 16    | 22    | 21    | 18    | 23    | 25    | 22    | 19    | 17
 G24P7    | 19    | 24    | 24    | 22    | 26    | 29    | 28    | 24    | 23
 G24P9    | 22    | 27    | 27    | 24    | 29    | 37    | 33    | 28    | 27
 Q24P1    |      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|
 Q24P2    |      0|      0|      0|      0|     14|      0|      0|      0|
 Q24P5    |      0|      7|     10|      0|     61|     10|      0|      0|
 Q24P7    |      0|     28|     35|     23|    120|     51|     10|      3|
 Q24P9    |      0|     59|     61|     87|    171|    105|     60|     36|
 S24P1    |      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|
 S24P2    |      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|
 S24P5    |      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|
 S24P7    |      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|
 S24P9    |      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|
 I24P1    |      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|
 I24P2    |      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|
 I24P5    |      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|
 I24P7    |      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|
 I24P9    |      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|      0|
 SLPP1 015|015 018|015 011|009 013|011 004|998 999|003 005|007 010|011 011|007
 SLPP2 016|016 019|016 012|011 015|013 008|001 003|006 009|011 013|013 014|012
 SLPP5 016|016 020|018 014|012 017|015 014|009 008|010 014|015 018|017 019|017
 SLPP7 017|017 021|020 016|014 018|016 018|014 013|014 018|018 021|020 022|020
 SLPP9 017|018 022|020 017|015 020|017 020|016 016|017 021|021 025|023 026|024

Data Key

Date/time lines

  • (second line) = forcast valid dates (in UTC)
  • UTC = forcast valid hour (in UTC)
  • FHR = model forecast hour (number of hours forward from forecast date/cycle)


About Probabilistic Elements

The weather elements for NBP are probabilistic percentiles. For X percentile, there is an X% probability that the weather element will be EQUAL TO or BELOW the value listed (or a (100-X) % chance the value will be above what is listed). So for 10th percentile, there is a 10% chance the value will be at or below the number listed, and a 90% chance it will be above. For additional information about NBM weather elements, see the Element Key

Begin Key

  • TXNMN = QMD Mean  minimum/maximum temperature, F. Minimum is listed at 12z, and Maximum is listed at 00z.
  • TXNSD = QMD Standard Deviation minimum/maximum temperature, F. Minimum is listed at 12z, and Maximum is listed at 00z.
  • TXNP1 = QMD 10th percentile minimum/maximum temperature, F. Minimum is listed at 12z, and Maximum is listed at 00z.
  • TXNP2 = QMD 25th percentile minimum/maximum temperature, F. Minimum is listed at 12z, and Maximum is listed at 00z.
  • TXNP5 = QMD 50th percentile minimum/maximum temperature, F. Minimum is listed at 12z, and Maximum is listed at 00z.
  • TXNP7 = QMD 75th percentile minimum/maximum temperature, F. Minimum is listed at 12z, and Maximum is listed at 00z.
  • TXNP9 = QMD 90th percentile minimum/maximum temperature, F. Minimum is listed at 12z, and Maximum is listed at 00z.
    • QMD Temperature data is currently only available for CONUS and Alaska domains.
  • WSPP1 = 10th percentile wind speed, knots.
  • WSPP2 = 25th percentile wind speed, knots.
  • WSPP5 = 50th percentile wind speed, knots.
  • WSPP7 = 75th percentile wind speed, knots.
  • WSPP9 = 90th percentile wind speed, knots.
  • W24P1 * = 10th percentile 24-hour maximum sustained wind speed exceedance, knots.
  • W24P2 * = 25th percentile 24-hour maximum sustained wind speed exceedance, knots.
  • W24P5 * = 50th percentile 24-hour maximum sustained wind speed exceedance, knots.
  • W24P7 * = 75th percentile 24-hour maximum sustained wind speed exceedance, knots.
  • W24P9 * = 90th percentile 24-hour maximum sustained wind speed exceedance, knots.
    • 24-hour Max Wind data is currently only available for CONUS domain.
  • G24P1 * = 10th percentile 24-hour wind gust exceedance, knots.
  • G24P2 * = 25th percentile 24-hour wind gust exceedance, knots.
  • G24P5 * = 50th percentile 24-hour wind gust exceedance, knots.
  • G24P7 * = 75th percentile 24-hour wind gust exceedance, knots.
  • G24P9 * = 90th percentile 24-hour wind gust exceedance, knots.
    • 24-hour Wind Gust data is currently only available for CONUS domain.
  • Q24P1 = 10th percentile 24-hour QPF, 1/100 inch.
  • Q24P2 = 25th percentile 24-hour QPF, 1/100 inch.
  • Q24P5 = 50th percentile 24-hour QPF, 1/100 inch.
  • Q24P7 = 75th percentile 24-hour QPF, 1/100 inch.
  • Q24P9 = 90th percentile 24-hour QPF, 1/100 inch.
  • S24P1 = 10th percentile 24-hour snowfall accumulation, 1/10 inch.
  • S24P2 = 250th percentile 24-hour snowfall accumulation, 1/10 inch.
  • S24P5 = 50th percentile 24-hour snowfall accumulation, 1/10 inch.
  • S24P7 = 75th percentile 24-hour snowfall accumulation, 1/10 inch.
  • S24P9 = 90th percentile 24-hour snowfall accumulation, 1/10 inch.
  • I24P1 = 10th percentile 24-hour flat ice accumulation, 1/100 inch.
  • I24P2 = 25th percentile 24-hour flat ice accumulation, 1/100 inch.
  • I24P5 = 50th percentile 24-hour flat ice accumulation, 1/100 inch.
  • I24P7 = 75th percentile 24-hour flat ice accumulation, 1/100 inch.
  • I24P9 = 90th percentile 24-hour flat ice accumulation, 1/100 inch.
  • SLPP1 = 10th percentile mean sea level pressure, mb.
  • SLPP2 = 25th percentile mean sea level pressure, mb.
  • SLPP5 = 50th percentile mean sea level pressure, mb.
  • SLPP7 = 75th percentile mean sea level pressure, mb.
  • SLPP9 = 90th percentile mean sea level pressure, mb.
    • Any SLP value 1000 mb or higher does not show the thousands value. (ex: 1000 mb = 000; 987 mb = 987).

(For additional information about NBM weather elements, see the Element Key)

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